A New Form of Torture

Back in the Middle Ages, many religious figures firmly believed that self-torture was the key to enlightenment. So they starved themselves, beat themselves, wore incredibly ugly hairy itchy undershirts, and clawed at their skin till their clothes were soaked in blood. (Kids, do not try this at home, because it will not lead you to… Continue reading A New Form of Torture

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ADVERTISEMENT: Limited Time Offer! Buy Now And Save IMUs!

In order to increase profits, we have agreed to post a few advertisements on this website. Greetings, extraterrestrials! Tired of manually cleaning space debris off of your Personal Spacecraft every time you take it out for a ride? Think it’s time for an upgrade? Well, you are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! The PowerCraft P5003.14159.265358, sponsored by the BMER (Bureau of Mars to… Continue reading ADVERTISEMENT: Limited Time Offer! Buy Now And Save IMUs!

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WE FOUND THEM! WE FOUND LI- wait, no, it’s that dang pulsar again.

Dear readers, today marks a very special day. Today is the day I finally discovered the NASA Astrobiology website, which is essentially a haven for amateur exobiologists like myself. (Yes, exobiologist: while astrobiology focuses mostly on carbon-based life forms, exobiology takes into consideration the fact that there may be other types of creatures, such as… Continue reading WE FOUND THEM! WE FOUND LI- wait, no, it’s that dang pulsar again.

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In The Good Old Days, They Made Us Analyze A Shakespeare Sonnet Before Every Meal…

Dear readers, have you noticed that the standard of writing is going down? Seriously. I have read people who claim to be twenty and thirty-year-olds writing, and yet their pieces are jammed so full of typographies and general grammar mistakes that one has to wonder – Do they do this on purpose? Is it some sort… Continue reading In The Good Old Days, They Made Us Analyze A Shakespeare Sonnet Before Every Meal…

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When Zookeepers (who are also authors) Go Bad

“Animals.” That, dear readers is the insanely creative first sentence of Linda Lombardi’s book “Animals Behaving Badly”, which is about animals… behaving badly. Dear, dear readers, would you read that book? Perhaps you would. I don’t know. Personally, when I took in that first sentence, I felt a sudden urge to whip out a red… Continue reading When Zookeepers (who are also authors) Go Bad

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Breaking News! Celebrity’s Mom’s Cousin’s Friend’s Grandmother’s Sister’s Daughter’s Daughter Changes Brand of Lip Gloss!

In a stunning turn of events on Monday, a famous actress’s mother’s cousin’s friend’s grandmother’s sister’s daughter’s daughter, Strawberry McSweetiepie, shocked the world by changing her lip gloss brand – from Lipshine to SweetScents. Lipshine, owned by McSweetiepie’s  actress relation, is what can be classed as a “super-company.” It owns about 97.298247583247580823857293875829% of the market… Continue reading Breaking News! Celebrity’s Mom’s Cousin’s Friend’s Grandmother’s Sister’s Daughter’s Daughter Changes Brand of Lip Gloss!

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Greetings, Earthlings (Bloglings?)

This is not a self-portrait.

Welcome, dear readers, to Paradise. Actually, that’s subjective. If you’re a nerdy, shark-loving, story-writing teenage bookworm like yours truly, then this is most definitely Paradise. If you’re not… then hopefully this’ll be an entertaining read in any case. Anyway, back to the point! Which is… er… actually, there really is no point to this first… Continue reading Greetings, Earthlings (Bloglings?)

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