Dear readers, have you noticed that the standard of writing is going down? Seriously. I have read people who claim to be twenty and thirty-year-olds writing, and yet their pieces are jammed so full of typographies and general grammar mistakes that one has to wonder – Do they do this on purpose? Is it some sort… Continue reading In The Good Old Days, They Made Us Analyze A Shakespeare Sonnet Before Every Meal…
Author: Aditi Ramaswamy
I am Aditi Ramaswamy... the History Hacker. I like history, and hacking. Occasionally, I attempt to hack history itself. Sometimes it even works.
Oh, and in my free time I also double as the state of Virginia (we really need a state fruit).
European Politics: High School Style
Except for a few minor setbacks, like a fifth of the countries present seceding from the eurozone and the EU completely caving in on itself and Spain assassinating Angela Merkel with a NERF gun, Davis Model United Nations 2012 went roaringly. I myself represented Italy in the European Union, and learned quite a lot about… Continue reading European Politics: High School Style
Top Eight Weird Facts About Famous (and Infamous) People – In No Particular Order. And Yes, Henry Tudor is Among Them. Though Luke Skywalker is Not.
Adolf Hitler was vegetarian (or so Wikipedia says). Apparently, he covered his eyes during movies that showed cruelty to animals. Of course, he wasn’t above slaughtering a few million innocent people. King Henry VIII was playing table tennis when Anne Boleyn was executed. This is true. It was in Horrible Histories. Macbeth was widely… Continue reading Top Eight Weird Facts About Famous (and Infamous) People – In No Particular Order. And Yes, Henry Tudor is Among Them. Though Luke Skywalker is Not.
Let’s pretend it’s April 12th because I couldn’t log into this accursed site on the actual April 12th and this title has gone on too long.
I was lazy today, and didn’t feel like writing a legitimate post, so I decided to skive off and make a list instead. Without further ado, I present to you 16… April 12th Facts! April 12, 238: Gordian II – whoever he is – loses the battle of Carthage – wherever that is – to… Continue reading Let’s pretend it’s April 12th because I couldn’t log into this accursed site on the actual April 12th and this title has gone on too long.
Nothing To Do With The Tudors
Dear readers, this is yet another post about history. Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with the Tudors, as evidenced by the title of this post, “Nothing To Do With The Tudors”. No, this has to do with Rasputin, the Russian monk who was immortalized by the disco song “Rasputin” – Ra Ra Rasputin lover… Continue reading Nothing To Do With The Tudors
When Zookeepers (who are also authors) Go Bad
“Animals.” That, dear readers is the insanely creative first sentence of Linda Lombardi’s book “Animals Behaving Badly”, which is about animals… behaving badly. Dear, dear readers, would you read that book? Perhaps you would. I don’t know. Personally, when I took in that first sentence, I felt a sudden urge to whip out a red… Continue reading When Zookeepers (who are also authors) Go Bad
Breaking News! Celebrity’s Mom’s Cousin’s Friend’s Grandmother’s Sister’s Daughter’s Daughter Changes Brand of Lip Gloss!
In a stunning turn of events on Monday, a famous actress’s mother’s cousin’s friend’s grandmother’s sister’s daughter’s daughter, Strawberry McSweetiepie, shocked the world by changing her lip gloss brand – from Lipshine to SweetScents. Lipshine, owned by McSweetiepie’s actress relation, is what can be classed as a “super-company.” It owns about 97.298247583247580823857293875829% of the market… Continue reading Breaking News! Celebrity’s Mom’s Cousin’s Friend’s Grandmother’s Sister’s Daughter’s Daughter Changes Brand of Lip Gloss!
A Tudor Story – Part One
Hello again, dear readers! Oh goodness, I use that phrase too much. It’s starting to grate on my brain cells now. Anyway, the topic of my first true blog entry will be – drumroll please – history! You see, I love history. This may sound cheesy, but it’s a really important subject. By learning about… Continue reading A Tudor Story – Part One
Greetings, Earthlings (Bloglings?)
Welcome, dear readers, to Paradise. Actually, that’s subjective. If you’re a nerdy, shark-loving, story-writing teenage bookworm like yours truly, then this is most definitely Paradise. If you’re not… then hopefully this’ll be an entertaining read in any case. Anyway, back to the point! Which is… er… actually, there really is no point to this first… Continue reading Greetings, Earthlings (Bloglings?)